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中国国际日用消费品博览会(简称“消博会” )经国务院批准,由国家商务部和浙江省人民政府共同主办,是中国规模~~的日用消费品专业博览会。 China International Consumer Goods Fair (CICGF) is the largest professional international consumer goods fair in China.CICGF is held in the famous harbor city of Ningbo June 8-12 every year. Seven sessions have been successfully held since 2002. 商铺网址:http://fair2.cn.vooec.com
手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/c_fair2.html 主营业务:第八届消博会展览面积9万平方米,展位4000个,设置家纺服装、家电电子、家具与办公用品、体育与旅游休闲用品、日用品、工艺品礼品、食品、境外与贸易服务等八个展区。展会将汇集国内外的名企、名品、新品参展,为来自世界各地的客商带来众多日用消费品贸易商机。 The 8th CICGF will be divided into the following 8 exhibiting sections: household textiles and garments; home appliances and electronics; furniture and office supply; sports, travel and recreation products; articles of daily use; arts-crafts and gifts; foodstuffs; overseas exhibits and trade service. 经营模式:
服务型 成立年份:2002年 |
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